
Water Well (Uganda)
 Quenching the thirst for a brighter future, one water well at a time
Water Well (Uganda)

Did you know that nearly half of Uganda’s population lacks access to clean water, and a staggering 80% lack basic sanitation services? This is due to a combination of factors, including limited groundwater resources and increasingly heavy rainy seasons that make construction and maintenance of water infrastructure a challenge.

At UGR, we’re committed to changing this reality. We’re working tirelessly to provide clean water and sanitation solutions to communities across Uganda because we believe that every person deserves access to these basic human rights.

But we can’t do it alone. We need your help to continue our work. By supporting UGR, you’ll be helping to bring clean water and sanitation services to those who need it most. Your donation will help us drill new wells, construct durable water points, and promote sustainable sanitation practices.

Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of thousands of people in Uganda. Join us in our mission to bring clean water and sanitation to all!

Communithy Borehole Wells cost $2500

Please consider donating to our cause and becoming a part of this vital mission.

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Large Hand Pump (Uganda)

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Water Well (Uganda)