Eid Ul Adha



Udhiya is a practice that traces back to your forefather Ibrahim (alaihissalam). For each strand of the Qurbani (sacrifice), you are bestowed with a blessing from God (Allah).

If desired, representatives from UGR can acknowledge the donor’s name during the act of sacrifice, in shaa Allah.

The donor should specify their request in the Notes section while making the contribution.

The method of animal sacrifice in Islam is designed to be swift, humane, and considerate. The use of an extremely sharp knife minimizes the pain and discomfort experienced by the animal. To prevent distress to other animals, the act of slaughter is carried out privately.

The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

“Whoever offers a sacrifice after Eid prayer, has completed his rituals (of Qurbani) and has succeeded in following the ways of the Muslims.” Bukhari

The Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said

“For every hair of the Qurbani you receive a reward from Allah (SWT)”

Our Qurbani initiative is committed to using only 100% Halal zabeeha meat. We prioritize sourcing animals from local suppliers to bolster the local economy and ensure that our beneficiaries in Pakistan receive fresh meat. Every aspect of our operations, from the act of sacrifice to the transportation of meat, adheres to Islamic principles. Simultaneously, we strive to maintain the highest standards of hygiene.

Qurbani Appeal 2024

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